Here are maps and other property details.
This is not a secluded home in the country. It is a highly visible, landmark homestead that is located on the corner of Scenic Highway 18 (Salmon River Highway) and Gopher Valley Road. It is surrounded by farmland, but across Highway 18 is a high-grossing Dairy Queen that is a favored stop for travelors driving to an from the Oregon coast and the Spirit Mountain Casino, Oregon's #1 tourist destination.
This is one of only a few properties with Hwy 18 frontage but with easy access from a county road. A home occupation or an approved business could benefit and thrive in this location. Signs advertising the business or farm products are allowed.
Many uses are allowed outright in the EFU zone and many others are allowed under a conditional use permit. Additional dwellings can be approved for farm help or family members. A farm-related business is an allowed use. For example, a winery, bed and breakfast, raising, training and boarding horses, pony rides (remember, there's a DQ across the street), dog kennel, raising poultry or other animals and selling eggs or other produce, farm mechanic or welding, and many other uses.
Here is a quick overview:
Read the Yamhill County Zoning Ordinance or call Yamhill County Planning Department for detailed information.
Property Layout.​
This rendering is not to scale. It is intended to assist the reader with understanding photo references in this offering.
USDA Soils map.
A quick reference map. Click the CONTACT US tab for a Google Map and driving directions.
TAXES: $1,339.22
(USDA pays the owner NOT to grow a commodity crop such as corn or barley on certain portions of the property.)
ZONING: Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) 80 acres
(This is a grandfathered non-conforming parcel)
CAN I ADD ANOTHER DWELLING?​ See Yamhill County zoning rules for farm-related dwelings or rules for adding a dwelling for a family member.
IS THE PROPERTY IN THE FLOODPLAIN? Part of Field 4 is in the floodplain for Deer Creek, but the remainder of the property is NOT in the floodplain.
WATER: Domestic well connected to a 2500 gallon storage tank. System exceeds the required 5 GPM in a 4-hour pump test.
SEWER: Septic system. Drainfield is located in Field 1. New tank and drainfield were installed by current owners in 1994.
Yamhill County allows a Mortgage Partition to accomodate financing. This means one can create a parcel that contains the dwelling, improvements, and a few acres for financing with a conventional, rural residential loan.
This partition accomodates lender demand for smaller acreage and helps meet conventional-lender guidelines for land-to-improvement ratios and other factors that make it difficult to obtain a conventional loan on a property that consists of more than 5 to 20 acres. The process is very simple in Yamhill County.